Monday, April 12, 2010

Cookie night at The Laurie's

Can you guess who helped Bailey and I decorate the cookies that we made yesterday?

(Bottom row: The Riddler bunny, The Joker bunny, Poison Ivy bunny and Two-Face bunny)

End of the weekend blog...

There is only so much design work I can do before my brain finally gives out. I should be working but after creating hotel menus, vacations destinations guides and ads, I am now very hungry and desperately wanting a vacation right now. So I'll set that all aside and finish up tomorrow night and upload some photos of this last weekend.

All week James was wanting to take Bailey to the Deanna Rose Farm park here in Overland Park, KS but he either didn't feel well (he's still has some kind of crud he can't get rid of) or weather bad. So when the weekend came it was a wonderful day to take her to the park. So did every other parent in Johnson county and did the same thing as we were doing. The park is a really great trip for young kids but it's best to do on the week days where your kid might actually get a chance to play on the playground and it's free on Monday - Thursday.

Bailey wasn't amused with just standing behind a butterfly for pictures and even though she couldn't go play on the playground due to just too many kids already there, she did have fun with the petting zoo part. First up, feeding some goats...

Bailey loved the little goats and made sure before we left the pen that she petted and hugged them all. James was just happy to see us out of there without Bailey and myself wanting one. After walking around and seeing the rest of the animals we found the pony rides.

Again James was very happy that after the pony ride was over that neither me or Bailey wanted the pony to take home. One ride on daddy's shoulders back to the car and we headed home via the route that takes us past a Sonic for some drinks.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Are you there blog? It's me Jennifer.

According to the peanut gallery in Harrisonville (aka: my father) I've abandon the blog. I'm here to set the record straight, no I haven't abandon the blog but lately I haven't been able to do much posting as before. Freelance work has been booming and has been pretty much taking what little time I have left after Bailey goes to bed. Now that the weather is warming up I'm finding myself more and more outside with Bailey picking every flower out of our yard and having her ask "when are we going to have tomatoes"? I'm also finding more and more ants in my house as the weather warms up. A war to which I haven't been able to win since we moved into this house. I've tried every chemical product out there and every year I'm walking into the bathroom seeing a moving wall. Spring also starts my yearly war with the dandelions and me wishing for hot summer days to come and burn my lawn to a nice brown crisp. So while I'm busy creating ads for hotels, planting tomatoes and destroying ants & weeds, I'll upload some Easter pictures from last weekend.

Monday, March 29, 2010

No Fear

Saturday we (Bailey, my mother and me) drove in the rain to Stover, Mo. for their annual quilt show. By the time we arrived and pulled into the parking lot of the local community center there in Stover, the clouds parted and the sun started to shine directly onto the playground set located right next door to the show. Now normally Bailey is quite the good little shopper and enjoys hunting for fabrics with her Me-Me when attending shows and stores but this was no ordinary playground, it had THREE really big slides. So naturally the second we stepped into the building I heard "Can I go to the playground?", "One more booth and then I go to playground?" and "Is Me-Me done yet? Is she done now?". So I quickly looked through stuff and left Me-Me to continue to shop while Bailey got some much needed slide time in.

Up the playground set, down the slide. Repeat steps till grandma comes out.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not much happening....

A pretty quiet week and weekend happened around here. I wanted to spend some time outside cleaning up flower beds but the rain and cold temperature pretty much kept us both inside. Some unexpected freelance came my way which kept me busy all weekend. For our anniversary, James and I decided to have the weekend to ourselves thanks to my parents who watched the child for us. No big plans, just used the time to have dinners out and watching movies at home. We will have more to blog about next weekend when we take Bailey to go see Disney on ice.

Last Tuesday we forgot to take something out for dinner so we headed off to one of Bailey's favorite places to eat, Chic-Fli-A. We soon discovered it was Family Night and got to see the cow mascot come out. Bailey wanted nothing to do with the cow even with James going up there with her. I soon discovered she hadn't napped that day and was getting quite grumpy, so we ended up leaving with some free ice cream cards to use at a later date. Here's a picture of James using his new skills from his current class, Conflict Management & Negotiations. Sometimes dealing with a toddler is like doing hostage negotiations & labor bargaining at the same time.